Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The bell rang loud and signaled to us that we had to go to our next class. I rushed to my favorite class, English. Our English teachers are Mrs. Morrow and Mrs. Nordby. All of the students sat down and got our notebooks out. Everyday we have a assignment to write in our notebooks. We had to write down how we get to school from our house. We are learning about prepositional phrases. So, we had to find the them in our paragraphs. 

Then, we got our green Daily Grammar Practice worksheet out. We have a sentence everyday this week. We have to practice on finding the prepositional phrases on that worksheet. We all did the worksheet on the smart board together. The teachers explained very well what they were.

After that, we had to write a list of prepositional phrases down in our notebooks, so it could help us if we weren’t sure what they were. There was a lot!

Later, we had a worksheet to do. We could have a partner to work on it together for five minutes. If we weren’t done, we did it on the smart board. We corrected it together. Lots of hands shot up to answer the questions. 

All in all, we all learned what prepositional phrases are. The bell rang and we all scurried off to the next class like rats.

Daily Blogger 9-26-14

          Today in english class we did our writers notebooks at the beginning of class. Then we made our iMovie script. We also had to record ourselves reading it aloud. Everyone has to have there iMovies done by Monday. The steps to make your iMovie are: file > new > click movie > and then get started.

By: Sable D.

Daily Blog 9/29/2014

English class

Today is Super Hero Day and I am classroom reporter.  A bunch of super heroes came into the classroom all dressed up and ready to learn.  The first thing we did was our iAm video work.  We shared and published them to our Blogger.  We also wrote three things we learned by doing the iAm video.  I learned how not to be shy and have fun with iMovie.  

We then started Daily Grammar Practice.  We will do this every day.  For the first few weeks we will all do it together in class. We will keep our packets in the classroom. The DGP Sentence for this week is:
(He stretched out his arms to the crystalline, radiant sky.)

 Our grammar lesson today was prepositional phrases.  The definition is to place something in time or space or show a relationship. Our assignment for tomorrow is, noredink.com (Prepositional phrases).  We will all be super heroes by being responsible and getting our homework done.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Idea Day

Tuesday, September 22, 2014

As the bell rings for that fourth period, I know it's time for another awesome English class.  I walk out those main doors and head toward the mods not knowing what's going to happen today. No one else knows either and yet we all head outdoors. We come out of the doors in two streams and form into one river. As I open the doors to Mod 2N, I can tell it's going to be a great day!

The first thing we do is open our writers notebooks, just like always. Then, the class checks out Morgans blog from yesterday while we talk about the plus and minuses. There are only a few minuses and a lot of pluses.  I hope mine can be that good any way.  Speaking of blogs, Mrs. Morrow reminded us to check our class blogs every day.

Next we worked on our script sheets.  We highlighted the three things we thought would describe us the best. Then we broke those into smaller ideas. Then we wrote about these smaller ideas. Afterwards, we paired up and the partner gave his or her opinion.  Lastly, we corrected what needed to be done.  Suddenly it was that bell again!  So soon?

Well that was English for Tuesday - more updates tomorrow.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

9/25/14 Daily blog

As the bell rings, letting Mrs. Morrow and Mrs. Nordby know that its time to start 4th periods class. Im always ready to learn and have an exciting day in English. Todays class started with our tummies rumbling for delicious food, in our writers notebook we wrote about what our "Big Buffet" would be like. Then we would look at the daily blog and we would find the positives and negatives. We are also learning how to use iMovie, Photo Booth, and Quicktime. We are making a video about “I am me” to show to the class. You have to make different slides that tells some things about you. To do this you will use iMovie, Photo Booth, and Quicktime. iMovie you use to drop videos and pictures in it.  Photo Booth you can take pictures and videos to record yourself, then move them to iMovie. Quicktime you can record an object, or a video, on your screen and then you can put it on your desk top to use in iMovie. Once we finish then, we will show our videos to the whole class. The class will see how creative you are, who you are, your personality, what your favorite things to do, what others think about you in good ways, etc. Today I am the daily blogger, While the students work, I take pictures of them working. I also explain what we have been doing in class, When I'm done, then I would go on the Blogger website, I post and also put pictures. When the class reads this blog for daily blogger, I hope there will be a lot of positives and at least a few negatives. This is what we have learned in our exciting English class. As the bell rang, letting everyone know that English was over, and time for next period. I am looking forward to another exciting day of English class.

Daily Blogger

                                         English Class

Today in English class the bell mourned loud to let Mrs. Nordby and Mrs. Morrow it was time to start class. So when we started class Mrs. Morrow showed us a Movie Critic about who I am the video was not about us it was about some older kids that were in 8th or 7th grade who did these. After we watched kids movie and Mrs. Nordby helped us get started on our script for who am I it could start with a poem or a rap. When Mrs. Nordby was doing that Mrs. Morrow was helping some other kids that were waiting for Mrs. Nordby. Then Mrs. Morrow would come and help us with our web ideas for our brand.

         Well it was like 20minutes more till class is over and so Mrs. Morrow Sped up a lot but when she did that she started to explain what else we are doing. After she said that Mrs. Nordby started saying “ Now we are going to start something kinda new but it includes this.” “So what we are doing is trying to find a great hook to start leading the reader to finish what they have read. During the middle of class we had to learn how to get out of a bus in the middle of class witch really interrupted my report but I at least got most of it done!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Daily Blogger

        The monotone sound of the bell blurted out which signaled that it was time to start off an interesting English Class. We started by talking about how to do the assignment that I'm doing now. Mrs. Morrow showed us how to accept an email that would be a big help in doing our assignment for our daily blog post. She was even patient to change email passwords. Mrs. Nordby even helped those who needed helping. Then after we got all of this figured out, we started on our usual routine which were our journals. We listed nouns, verbs, and adjectives that describe us.

      After that, Mrs. Nordby and Mrs. Morrow explained the next project we would be doing that would be due on Friday as usual. These would be 60 second commercials that would describe our true individuality and uniqueness from everyone else. Mrs. Nordby even handed me candy that helped bring out some ideas that I wanted to use for this post. Mrs. Morrow showed us 3 really cool examples of projects kids did in the past. These projects were really cool, I especially liked Nathaniel Jennings' project, it just had this certain creativity and hook to it. I even took a bunch of pictures of some of my friends during this class period, because I had the privilege of getting up and taking pictures.  I  also took  a picture of Mrs. Morrow giving us examples from her life on how to do a brain web that describes us in our packets that are due tomorrow.

      I learned a few things about how to use the application "Inspiration". You can get this application  from self service, use it to create brain webs for any class. This period, I even learned how to make my important qualities shine, how to figure out who I am, and where I will go in life. Then the monotone of the bell sounded again and it was time to go to another class.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

International Dot Day!

September 15, 2014
by Mrs. Morrow

Have you ever felt like you had no creative talent whatsoever?  Many times we feel like we aren't any good at art... or writing... or math... or sports... or whatever it might be.  In reality, sometimes all it takes is to "make a mark" and see where it takes you.

In the story The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds, the main character Vashti experiences just that.  When her art teacher asks her to draw a dot and "sign it," she learns to "own up to" her work.  When Vashti sees her artwork behind the teacher's desk "all framed in swirly gold," she experiences what it's like to have someone believe in her.  This leads to Vashti trying, through repetitive experimentation and practice, to create even BETTER dots. Vashti's creative accomplishments are celebrated at the class art show and she becomes an inspiration to future artists-- all because she "made her mark" and created that first dot.

September 15 is "International Dot Day" and we celebrated it together in English 7.

We started by designing our own individual dots- with markers instead of sentences in our Writer's Notebooks.

Then we listened to the story The Dot and discussed its meaning for each of us.

Mrs. Morrow told us a story about a time when she met Peter Reynolds in person and shared creative ideas with a group of friends.

We used the COLar Mix app on the iPads to bring our dots to life through Augmented Reality.

 Finally, we "connected the dots" by writing our reflections of the day and posting them to our blogs.

We all contributed to a class dot gallery, each adding our own individual creative "mark" and, of course, signing it!

All in all, September 15's English7 class was a day of celebrating creativity-- for each and every one of us.  We'll be ready to infuse that creativity into all our future writing projects-- and thereby making our mark on the world!