Thursday, March 26, 2015

Daily Blogger 3-25-15

Brett Johnston
Daily Blogger

“ I’m going to hate writing that draft!” I thought. When Kolby and I got to class, Mrs. Morrow said to sit down and write in your notebook. The topic was, what you think about Nesa testing. After that we did DGP. Today’s was finding the subject and verbs.

Then we listened to Mrs. Morrow read Natalies Broderson’s “ Where In The World” essay on the Bahamas. It was very discriptive and fluent. The funny thing is is that I am doing the Bahamas too. So I got some ideas from her essay.

The final thing we did was work on our draft. Most of the kids didn’t get it done in class, so we had some homework. If you didn’t have it done, you would have to go to the other side of the mod and probably lose points, because it was late.

That is all that we did for today in English.

1 comment:

  1. looks like ephraim got something in the back of his head
